Yard of the Month

Mike and Carol Simpson

12634 Muirfield Blvd N

Mike and Carol Simpson

The Yard of the Month Committee congratulates Mike and Carol Simpson at 12634 Muirfield Blvd N. as one of our July 2024 Yard of the Month winners. Mike and Carol moved to HHCCE from Queens Harbor over 17 years ago and live near the 11th green on the golf course. Mike is originally from Tennessee and Carol grew up in Jacksonville, having moved here as a baby when her father, Walt Dunbar, became the 1st sports director for channel 12.

Carol and Mike have been married 40 years and are parents to 3 grown children, 7 grandchildren, and 2 great grandchildren. Athletic ability seems to run in their family. Not only is Mike quite a good golfer, but their daughter Michelle once played in the US Open and is now an LPGA caddy. And grandson Blake pitches for Kansas State University.

Both Mike and Carol are retired. He retired 8 years ago from IT, and she retired 5 years ago from teaching elementary school. Currently, Mike enjoys golfing, Carol loves arts & crafts, and they both enjoy cruising. Carol has always loved singing. At one time, she sang in a gospel trio with her sisters, and occasionally sang at sports events when her father was with Channel 12. Now she and her granddaughter enjoy singing together.

The Simpsons employ a lawn service to keep their lawn manicured. Carol enjoys taking care of the crepe myrtles and especially loves caring for her hydrangeas. As a matter of fact, she has original cuttings from a hydrangea plant that belonged to her mother.

Mike and Carol are active in their church and host bible studies in their home Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 7:30. We’re all invited, so stop by and say hello to them some Wednesday night.

Tim and Kathy Buffkin

12526 Mission Hills Cir N

Tim and Kathy Buffkin

Please join the Yard of the Month Committee in congratulating Tim and Kathy Buffkin of 12526 Mission Hills Cir N. on being selected July 2024 Yard of the Month winners. The Buffkins were married in December 1988 and moved to HHCCE in 1993. With 2 young boys they quickly outgrew their first HHCCE home, so in November 1998 they moved to a bigger home with a bigger yard…just next door.

Tim is originally from Portsmouth, VA where his father was stationed while in the Navy. Before retirement, he was employed as a CPA. Kathy is a native Floridian. She stayed at home to raise their 2 boys, Cole and Connor. The Buffkins have three pets, Jessi, Lulu, and their newest love, Beauregard (a.k.a. Beau).

While the Buffkins have a lawn care service, Kathy and Tim maintain their flowers and trees, and since Tim retired, he joins in the fun of keeping their garden in order. Kathy says she has a “plant fetish” vs a “shoe fetish”, and it is hard for her to choose a favorite plant from the garden. Their landscape reflects a beautiful profusion of color from the variety of flowers, shrubs and trees.

The Buffkins are very active, and you might catch a glimpse of them as they cycle through the neighborhood. Tim and Kathy are very friendly and easy to talk to. Stop by and enjoy the beauty of their front yard, and while you are there, say hello to this lovely family and their pets.